Elliott Smith : 2016

641.6 m surveyed this year.

Other years:  | 2015 | 2016 | 2017

Status of all wallets for Elliott Smith

Table of all trips and surveys aligned by date

June 22, 2016 Balcony - to rig the entrance shaft Balcony
June 24, 2016 Balcony rigging - guide (start of 2016) Balcony rigging swingers 19.0 m
June 26, 2016 BalkonH - Gosser Wager BalkonH
July 4, 2016 Balcony Tourists on Independence Day Unknown
July 5, 2016 Balcony - Batteries! finishing off and bag retrieval Balcony caving101 18.6 m
-- doublescoop 43.9 m
-- doublescoop2 40.6 m
July 6, 2016 Balcony - The pitch formally known as "Haydon's pitch" -> "Long Drop" Balcony longdrop 169.4 m
July 11, 2016 Balcony - Gosser, Wager Balcony
July 12, 2016 Balkon - Gosser Wager Balkon
July 16, 2016 Kraken Camp - pushing Song of the Earth (258) Kraken Camp dontstopmenow 236.3 m
July 18, 2016 keepsongiving 114.0 m
July 19, 2016 "Just Keeps Giving" and "Water Torture" (Below Hilti-a-Plenty) Unknown
July 20, 2016 Tunnocks derig, Upper Kraken to String Theory Unknown