Stone Bridge - Hauling Day

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Stone Bridge

Fri 09 Aug 2024    Mon 12 Aug 2024

Colin Fri 09 Aug 2024 Mon 12 Aug 2024
ZW Wed 07 Aug 2024 Mon 12 Aug 2024
Sat 10 Aug 2024

Having spent the previous day at Homecoming fettling rope, I had been unable to bounce the car-park to drop my kit off. This was a problem as I had two carries worth of kit to haul. So on the morning of the Saturday when everyone was getting ready to pack-up Stone Bridge I was already on my way down the hill. I didn't stop once, not for water, shade or rest until I reached the car-park where I offloaded my kit, took a ten minute break and then headed back up.

I was expecting to reach the top camp team on my way back up, and I did, ten minutes away from top camp. Nat explained that Colin would be coming back up for a second run later and that I'd have to get a lift with him. This left me with a considerable amount of time at top camp with nothing to do.

So I did what any reasonable person would do and found a nice sunbathing spot. Fortunately I still had my sleeping kit and so pulled out my pillow and lathered up with Sun-cream before spending a blissful couple of hours in the sun.

Of course I was minorly irritated that, had I known this would happen, I would've hung around earlier and helped with the de-camp, then bounced the car park with Colin. But at least I got a needed break. As the hours dragged on I began to wonder where Colin was. I'd expected him around five but he didn't arrive until 6!

We then packed up and set off back down to the car-park.

Just as we were climbing off the plateau we heard whooping. So we stuck around the Col until James M and Harry appeared. We then marched down the hill together where we met Chris who drove us down the hill. As we were driving down we marvelled at the light show the Austrians had decorated the Loser and neighbouring peaks with.

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    Stone Bridge - Hauling Day