Eishole - Icy Caves and Stormy Weather

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place: Eishole

Fri 02 Aug 2024    Sat 03 Aug 2024

Jacob Thu 01 Aug 2024
Liam Thu 01 Aug 2024 Mon 05 Aug 2024
Fri 02 Aug 2024

Liam and I set off to Eishohle from the col at around half 2. We had been on the brink of heading straight to the car park and skipping the cave on account of already being rather wet and more rain being potentially on the way, but managed to convince ourselves to try it anyway.

The walk to the ice cave is one of the more frustrating plateau walks and at points not entirely clear but we had luckily aquired Todd's GPS track to follow and after an hour and a bit we arrived.

We kitted up for the cave, I in Wookey's crampons and Liam in Harry's, and we trudged down the snow slope to the cave below. Liam's first response to the small icy mole-hills near the entrance were "fuck we've missed them, they've melted...", however turning the corner we were happy to find that was not the case.

Towering sentinels gathered in council rose up from the icy floor towards an impossibly high roof as the two of us wandered between their ranks. Liam started arranging lights around them and I got a bit distracted taking photgraphs instead of enjoying the sights but I eventually put my camera and phone away.

After a bit more wandering and contemplating how long I'd last in any of the icy-cold pools dotted around the chamber we decided we should probably head out if we wanted to back at basecamp at a reasonable hour. The walk back would've been uneventful were it not for the second thunderstorm of the day catching us halfway. Now truly sodden we made it back to the car park where we had a short but lovely conversation with the Loser sheep herder before a jolly Christopher, blasting his pirate music arrived to drive us down the hill.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Pepper Pot - Huge shaft with deathy entrance
    Eishole - Icy Caves and Stormy Weather