Fishface - Rerig clap my pitch up + 4[??] pitch

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place: Fishface

Thu 27 Jul 2023    Thu 27 Jul 2023

Becka Mon 24 Jul 2023 Fri 28 Jul 2023
Luke Mon 24 Jul 2023 Fri 28 Jul 2023
Thu 27 Jul 2023

Down Elizabeth line +rigged the red [light?] for danger traverese, 2 short pitches + then luke rigged clap my pitch up. We exited + luke rebolted the 4th pitch further back giving a hang that avoided the traverese + the awkward rebelay that had previously been tried - this is the 4th + hopefullly the final iteration of the 4th pitch this expo.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2023#53 See#63, Munfey Traverse ['naotes_incavenotes']
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    Fishface - Rerig clap my pitch up + 4[??] pitch
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