2018-DM-04 – Prospecting, exploring, surveying

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place: 2018-DM-04

Sat 15 Jul 2023    Sat 15 Jul 2023

Ashley Gregg Wed 12 Jul 2023 Sun 16 Jul 2023
Ely Brookes Tue 11 Jul 2023 Wed 19 Jul 2023
Philip Balister Sat 08 Jul 2023
Sat 15 Jul 2023
Ashley Gregg

The plan was to do some prospecting in the relatively uncovered area around Garlic cave. We met up with Philip at Garlic cave and had some noodles for lunch. Philip had already done some looking around the area and suggested we go look at 2018-DM-04 and 2018-DM-05.

We had one caving helmet between us (the rest of my kit was at top camp). We only got round to looking at 2018-DM-04, following a slightly up and down plateau route to get there. The tag was found underneath a rock.

Got Ely to practice bolting and place the first back up bolt. Then I started down the cave -an open shaft approx. 4x5m. A big flake made a suitable hang point, with with a further deviation put in allowed a good hang down to a large snow plug. This mountain of snow could be carefully passed down one side between the cave wall. A re-belay was necessary with the cave dropping down and to the side. A further re-belay and past the snow now led down to a rocky floor. Unfortunately, there was no further continuation.

Headed back out and then we surveyed before derigging. Named cave Bunderstruck, and is approx. 50m, mostly vertical. Then back to garlic cave to drop off rope (and Philip) before walking across to Top Camp.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2023#26 Salamander Queen ['SalQ plan', 'SalQ plan']
    2023#29 2023-bl-01, 2023-bl-02, 2023-bl-03, 2023-bl-04 ['incavenotes-2', '2023BL02-cavesheet', '2023BL01-cavesheet', '2023BL03-caveshe…
    2023#42 Bunderstruck ['2018dm04sexytopo', '2018dm04', '2018dm04 plan', '2018dm04 ee']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Prospecting - Up to Homecoming from the Col
    2018-DM-04 – Prospecting, exploring, surveying
    Homecoming - In Search Of Salamanders
    2023-BL-01 - Prospecting N of Garlic Cave