Homecoming - Rig faff

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place: Homecoming

Thu 06 Jul 2023    Fri 07 Jul 2023

Alice Kirby Tue 04 Jul 2023 Fri 07 Jul 2023
Christian Kuhlmann Tue 04 Jul 2023 Fri 07 Jul 2023
Harry Kettle Tue 04 Jul 2023 Fri 07 Jul 2023
Merryn Matthews Tue 04 Jul 2023 Wed 12 Jul 2023
Wassil Janssen Tue 04 Jul 2023 Fri 07 Jul 2023
Thu 06 Jul 2023
Wassil Janssen

This was a long day that started at Base Camp with the intent of rigging the entrance series of Homecoming cave. We set off only slightly later than the planned 8:00 [illegible] some faff. Quite surprising since Will was not part of the team.

The walk up to Top Camp took almost 2 hours, just as expected. We were also carrying drills, string, food, and other Top Camp equipment. We followed the reflectors to Fishface. They were white on both sides, which could make it frustrating if you are someone who is lost on their way to Top Camp. Instead, it should be red that leads to Top Camp, while white leads to caves and the car park.

From Fishface, it was only a short walk to Homecoming. Wassil rigged the first few ropes of the cave. . The first rope is a 14m on which we descend the entrance pitch. Then Wassil used a ~70m rope which was used to rig the next few pitches. After the entrance pitch, [illegible] come 2-3 small pitches rigged without rebelays. This makes it easier to climb on the way out. Wassil rigged everything up to Radagast.

Harry rigged 'Definitely not the Dachstein', while Chi di Wallace and Grommit, including an awkward traverse.

In the meantime, Merryn, Alice and Wassil were waiting in the group shelter practicing the fiddle.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2023#01 ["1623/305 Adidas Lederhosen Schacht 2023-MG-01", "1623/304 Doppellochhöhle 2023-MG-02"] ['notes']
    2023#03 Small Drain and Medium Drain ['2023-hbrw-01-drawing_cave_1', '2023-hbrw-01', '2023-hbrw-02-drawing_cave_1', …
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    2023#06 LiquidLuck ['Fishface 5 mooseP-Model', 'Fishface 5 moose', 'Fishface 5 moose therion_p', '…
    2023#35 prospecting ['No uploaded scans or incorrect path to wallet contents']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Plateau - scoping out a route from col to Garlic Cave
    Fishface - Rigging and pitch-measuring trip
    Fishface - Surveying around Benign Bubble Baby Bypass
    Fishface - Surveying the top of liquid luck
    Homecoming - Rig faff