2016-JB-01 - Hohle der Guten Hoffnung

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place: 2016-JB-01

Tue 19 Jul 2016    Wed 20 Jul 2016

Jenny Black Tue 19 Jul 2016 Thu 21 Jul 2016
Olly Betts Tue 19 Jul 2016 Thu 21 Jul 2016
Wed 20 Jul 2016
Olly Betts

Continuing to push the same route as 18th, we (re)rigged on the way in, then dropped the down-climb we'd called it a day at, then down a short pitch with a rebelay to reach some large boulders with a view out into a void beyond. A thrown rock suggested a 20m drop but we only had a couple of metres of rope left, so surveyed back to the end of the previous survey, briefly hampered by Jenny taking out a survey station which turned out to be less well connected to the boulder it was on than it appeared to be.

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