76 - Plugged Shaft ropework

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place: 76

Sat 02 Jul 2016    Sat 02 Jul 2016

Jenny Black Fri 01 Jul 2016 Sun 03 Jul 2016
Sat 02 Jul 2016
Jenny Black

We came up with a plan of starting with our one remaining thick rope (29m) and shift everything else down accordingly. Olly needed a day to rest his knees, so I spent the day untying and re-tying knots in Plugged Shaft. On the second go I got the 29m to reach the second of the twin rebelays (31m would be better). Then the 65m reached Yesterday's Terminus (again a few m more would have been better). Then the 48m comfortably reached the bottom of Saved Shaft. I tweaked some of the lengths on my way out. Today the weather Gods smiled on me, and I got my gear dry before the heavy rain started.

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