Walk over Grimming from Niederstuttern via Grimminghutte, Multerek + Grimmingsgipfel+ending at Kulm
Thu 23 Jun 2016
Becka Lawson
Becka Lawson
Left my bike at Kulm then drove to Neiderstuttern (this is definitely the better route for
the bike->car shuttle as all downhill!). Set off 8:45 but already hot + near heat stroke on the
initial ascent. I had 3l water which wouldn't have been enough except there's an excellent
spring some way above the Grimminghutte where we refilled. Q a few wires + metal foot poles so
like an unprotected via ferrata on ascent + decsent + may be problems with snow earlier in year
or in a high-snow year. Descent down deep ridges + narrow stony gullies in a fairly improbable
manner - impressive there's a route over at all. A very fine day out though sadly Julian didn't
get to hang-glide over us though we collected him from his field in Bad Mittendorf.