273 - 2014-NEO-01

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place: 273

Sun 03 Aug 2014    Sun 03 Aug 2014

Aled Sat 02 Aug 2014 Wed 06 Aug 2014
David Sat 02 Aug 2014 Wed 06 Aug 2014
Elaine Sat 02 Aug 2014 Tue 05 Aug 2014
Matt Sat 02 Aug 2014
Sam Sat 02 Aug 2014
Sophie D Sat 02 Aug 2014
Sun 03 Aug 2014

Mass surface-prospecting trip. More write-up from others to follow? Matt pointed out a horizontal-leading hole that a previous (less keen) UBSS caver had deemed "too tight". Elaine, being an avid Mendip fan, decided that it was actually fine & wriggled through to find that it pinched out after ~11m. Still, it was long enough to kataster, so E+D surveyed/photo-ed/GPSed/tagged it, while A+S dropped a small surface hole E+D had deemed too wet & horrible. Afterwards E+D did some cross-valley directing to not much avail. E+D then discovered that caving CAN be a spectator sport, watching Michael bolt a pitch though a nice large window slightly further north. :)

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2014#11 Room with a View ['notes2', 'notes1', 'planpt2', 'plan1', 'elevpt2', 'notespt2']
    2014#23 Futrell prospects ['notes2', 'notes1', 'elev1', 'notes3', 'elev1', 'plan1', 'notes4']
    2014#25 273 ['elevation', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'plan']
Logbook trips on this date:
    2014-888 and MF - unmarked pit
    107 - KH connection made / KH derig
    2005-05 - return: now called Balcony Höhle
    273 - 2014-NEO-01
    surface - Prospecting opposite Clownhöhle (Elaine's write-up of 2014-NEO-01 continued)