Tunnocks, Hedonism Highway/ Rocky Road Area (Downgrade) A* lead

Tue 13 Aug 2013
Pete Talling

The team returned to the bottom of the pitch rigged by Fleur, but discovered they had everything but a drill bit. Unable to fashion one from Mars bars or limestone they did manage to drop an extra pitch on a natural. This involved getting wet in spray from small stream – so only Pete descended. He landed in pretty wide rift. An easy 2m climb led to a further 10-15m pitch which is undescended.
Rigging guide/elevation
The team then derigged.

Dear Expo,
Thanks very much for having us! See you again another year.
Fleur & Pete

PS - We have taken the old stretcher, some rope + Stu + Chris and all their shit. Will return CUCC kit at Hidden Earth.

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    Tunnocks, West Side Story – "Clayton’s Cock-up"
    Tunnocks, Hedonism Highway/ Rocky Road Area (Downgrade) A* lead