204/161 Connection traverse re-rigging + push in 161
Fri 10 Aug 2012
Went down to the connection to turn the 'exploratory' rigging into something suitable for mere mortals. Took drill + 3batteries + hand bolting kit & left over nasty red ropes. Spent some hours re-doing the 1st traverse to go higher along line of shelf. Rob did all the bolting & seemed to enjoy himself. Added 3 or 4 there, another on up-bit to remove rub & Y-hang the end. Only possible by replacing 27m white rope with red as we went. Then put rope on climb and 2 more bolts in 2nd traverse. Went to the bad step which was already bolted & put in climb line & traverse line over bridge + step. All this took quite some time so it was getting late & our enthusiasm somewhat dimmed, but we should at least take a look-see having got here. Headed on down March of the ents, noting that most of the wind came in from the 50m pitch QM - Interesting spot. Carried on to rivendell & the stables and rigged little climb round the corner on a couple of dodgy naturals. Didn't have enough rope to do it properly (or the enthusiasm).
Wandered along a bit and took a look down QM [fill in] which had a fine breeze at the top. Very silly sloping 'pitch'. Our 27m rope got us down past one traverse level to overlook more rift, but still at least 6m to the floor & not shinnable. So surveyed out, teaching Rob distoX usage. Seemed to be no draught at the bottom, so the wind presumably comes from across the top somewhere. We called it soilathon.
Took a look further down l[blank-for-name] shinning round various things and poking one hole (goes to a pitch). Eventually got to a dead-end at Mad Dogs and marvelled at the very hard-looking C5 into the roof which the survey claimed was the way on. As it was after midnight & we were knackered (especially Rob) we were glad of excuse to go home & slowly came out, regretting hoiking 3 batts down here, and taking about 5hrs to exit @5am. (It is quite a long way). Curry felt well-deserved.
Traverse Rig
Rigging from Far from Support to March of the Ents

More rigging

T/U: 17hrs
Went down to the connection to turn the 'exploratory' rigging into something suitable for mere mortals. Took drill + 3batteries + hand bolting kit & left over nasty red ropes. Spent some hours re-doing the 1st traverse to go higher along line of shelf. Rob did all the bolting & seemed to enjoy himself. Added 3 or 4 there, another on up-bit to remove rub & Y-hang the end. Only possible by replacing 27m white rope with red as we went. Then put rope on climb and 2 more bolts in 2nd traverse. Went to the bad step which was already bolted & put in climb line & traverse line over bridge + step. All this took quite some time so it was getting late & our enthusiasm somewhat dimmed, but we should at least take a look-see having got here. Headed on down March of the ents, noting that most of the wind came in from the 50m pitch QM - Interesting spot. Carried on to rivendell & the stables and rigged little climb round the corner on a couple of dodgy naturals. Didn't have enough rope to do it properly (or the enthusiasm).
Wandered along a bit and took a look down QM [fill in] which had a fine breeze at the top. Very silly sloping 'pitch'. Our 27m rope got us down past one traverse level to overlook more rift, but still at least 6m to the floor & not shinnable. So surveyed out, teaching Rob distoX usage. Seemed to be no draught at the bottom, so the wind presumably comes from across the top somewhere. We called it soilathon.
Took a look further down l[blank-for-name] shinning round various things and poking one hole (goes to a pitch). Eventually got to a dead-end at Mad Dogs and marvelled at the very hard-looking C5 into the roof which the survey claimed was the way on. As it was after midnight & we were knackered (especially Rob) we were glad of excuse to go home & slowly came out, regretting hoiking 3 batts down here, and taking about 5hrs to exit @5am. (It is quite a long way). Curry felt well-deserved.
Traverse Rig

Rigging from Far from Support to March of the Ents

More rigging

LIST OF ROPES LEFT - Far From Support double traverse - Rivendale traverse - Mad Dogs pitch - Puss in Boots traverse (+ pitch at end of it) - Cat Flap Pitches (left rigged in 2009)