Tunnocks - Pantin Sales pitch

Sun 03 Aug 2008

We took the newly chopped 100m rope through Saurkraut to Patin Sales Pitch area, planning to tick off 06-31A and drop PS and ? pitch trying to bolt around the side of 2nd pitch and get into rift beyond it [that] closes up at [the] bottom.

06-31A turned out to lead to dodgey narrow ledge over main pitch. Traversed with 3 bolts and a natural. On the other side a short pitch with a QMC crawl with little stream. Last bolt took ages - crap battery dying or blunt bit, finished with hand bolted spit/ Patin sales pitch left rigged but not next pitch.

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    2008#16 ['elevation', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'notes3', 'plan2', 'plan1']
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    2008#22 []
    2008#25 ['plan2', 'plan4', 'plan3', 'plan1', 'plan5']
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    204 - Merry Fucking Christmas and beyond
    Base Camp
    Tunnocks - Pantin Sales pitch
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