204 - Tourist trip down 204E

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place: 204

Sat 26 Jul 2008    Mon 28 Jul 2008

Jess Wed 23 Jul 2008 Mon 28 Jul 2008
Kathryn Thu 24 Jul 2008 Mon 28 Jul 2008
Nial Thu 24 Jul 2008 Tue 29 Jul 2008
Sun 27 Jul 2008

Walked up to top camp, actually staying dry, then was bribed into defecting from Hauchohle to 204, and was taken down E on a quick 2.5 hr "sightseeing" trip which seemed to involve Nial looking down every tiny miserable lead we passed. Went up to Chocolate salty balls to look at 2 B leads (02-38B,01-37B), which we decided to come back to as needed to bolt a traverse across a pitch. Then did a round trip down treeumphant passage and back via magic roundabout chamber and boulder coaster.

Checked lead 00-30C in great oak chamber, and, after climbing down loose boulders, found that it wasn't a lead after all, and didn't go anywhere. Came back out of E and got back to top camp at 23.30.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - Tourist trip down 204E