Cairn Cave - 2006-70 (Cairn Cave) and Marilyn Monroe Hoehle

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Sat 14 Jul 2007    Sun 15 Jul 2007

Jenny Black Sat 14 Jul 2007 Tue 17 Jul 2007
Olly Betts Sat 14 Jul 2007 Tue 17 Jul 2007
Sun 15 Jul 2007
Olly Betts

Jenny was (uncharacteristically) not feeling well so she sat in what little shade there was, while I went underground. First, at Cairn cave I put in a tag spit, then used that plus a thread backup and two protectors to descend. The pitch head is awkward, then bells out to land on a rubble floor with a dirty snowplug. A chink of light enters upslope from a nearby shaft, while downslope the roof lowers and chokes. This is the source of the outward draft noted at the entrance.

Then onto 148- I entered in thermals plus oversuit and drilled and set two spits for the pitch which bypasses the squeeze and climb. Then surface surveyed from 148 to 2006-70.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2007#01 ['notes']
    2007#13 crowning glory ['notes2', 'notes1', 'elev', 'plan']
    2007#14 [] ['notes2', 'notes1', 'notes3', 'planelev']
    2007#96 surface ['austria2007notes-0014-82-to-85']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Cairn Cave - 2006-70 (Cairn Cave) and Marilyn Monroe Hoehle
    204 - Razordance Rig
    204 - 204e Crowning Glory exploration
    204 - 204a - The New Gaffered Rigging Guide
    204 - 204a - Razordance
    204 - Continuation of Razordance rig