Base Camp - Germknodel

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Tue 10 Jul 2007    Wed 11 Jul 2007

Julia Bradshaw Wed 11 Jul 2007
Tue 10 Jul 2007
Julia Bradshaw

Makes 8 large/12 small or 4 superlarge plate sized

500g flour

1 packet germ/heffe - yeast

125g butter

100g sugar

3 eggs

Jam: powidl (damson)

poppy seeds

icing/caster sugar

Combine butter + sugar + eggs in pan - heat, with care to avoid making an omelette (in Aaron style!) In a separate bowl put the flour and yeast. Once the butter etc has melted pour the flour/yeast mixture into it, take off heat and mix until no lumps remain. Put in a warm place to rise for 1hr. Divide into the number of required portions, shape into circles, and form a dip in the middle of each. Then put a max of a tablespoon of jam into the dough circle, and fold the edges over to cover the hole.

Put the finished knoedel into a warm place for 1hr ish then steam - super large for about 40mins-1hr, large/small for 20 mins (using colander over pan of water). Pour melted butter over then icing sugar and poppy seeds.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - Rigging Entrance to 204-E
    Top Camp - Djuke's Bedtime Story
    Base Camp - Germknodel