204 - 204

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place: 204

Thu 27 Jul 2006    Fri 28 Jul 2006

Chantalle Mon 31 Jul 2006
Dave Thu 27 Jul 2006 Mon 31 Jul 2006
John Mon 31 Jul 2006
Pete Tue 01 Aug 2006
Fri 28 Jul 2006

After surveying a random side passage of Treeumphent as a surveying lesson under the tutorage of Dave (cleaning up leads 16-22 inc) we moved onto looking at Sucker. Pete was in a feretting mood and the following was concluded: fereting is not that much fun. Also 01-26C goes 6.5m straight ahead to a dig. 01-28X and 01-27X are one and the same - 28X was climbed and joins at a higher level. 01-31C and 30C are bloody tight and unlikely to proceed far beyond visible range without stopping to undress! Pete also crawled down 01-54C and the way is semi-blocked by a small rock bridge (i.e. it is probably physically possible to get past but you wont find me doing it!).



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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2006#07 ['notes2', 'notes1']
    2006#19 ['notes0001', 'notes0002', 'elev', 'plan']
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - 204
    204 - Surveying QM's in Treeumphant
    76 - Strangeways
    Surface wanders