204 - Rigging down 204E Entrance - Germknödel's Revenge

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place: 204

Tue 21 Aug 2001    Wed 22 Aug 2001

Anthony Day Mon 20 Aug 2001 Wed 22 Aug 2001
Julia Day Mon 20 Aug 2001 Wed 22 Aug 2001
Tue 21 Aug 2001
Julia Day

All too soon we were back in that scrotty hole. As it turned out, we didn't need any more bolts. Got down, via a rebelay and two deviations, down a pleasant 25m shaft and pretty soon discovered we were in 204, due to a PM on the wall. Misread the compass and stomped off down dip, then back and had a quick poke around looking for Treeumphant Passage. Turns out we'd dropped into Crowning Glory. Surveyed the pitch on the way up (except for the plumb to the bottom of the pitch, which we did on the way down, ahem). It was a little crap doing a couple of bloody steep legs followed by muddy scrotty surveying thru the crawl at the top. 204 Entrance is to be called "Germknödel's Revenge".

Finished the survey, went back to the Stone Bridge to cancel our first call out, then went back again, Anthony to derig, and me to establish a verbal connection with 204f and the pitch. Sure enough, Anthony shone a light thru to me. We'd found another entrance. So I put a tag on it. 204f is unrigged, it would be a shorter way to the pitch, but not very pleasant, and pretty hard to rig.

[sketch] TU Julia 5 Anthony 6

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    2001#25 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'extend', 'notes3', 'plan']
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - 204D
    204 - Rigging down 204E Entrance - Germknödel's Revenge