147 - ReExplore and resurvey 147

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place: 147

Sun 01 Aug 1999    Sun 01 Aug 1999

Earl Merson Sat 31 Jul 1999 Wed 04 Aug 1999
Tony Rooke Fri 30 Jul 1999
Sun 01 Aug 1999
Earl Merson

Started by exploring whole cave, to gain understanding of its structure. Main passage is a hading rift. After entrance, main passage continues horizontally for some distance, with two (joined) pitches (reachable along loose slope from entrance - care!) in floor. These can be traversed over. Passage (now phreatic tube 1m diameter) zig zags onwards to climbs down and terminal aven (~20m). Several holes in floor at various stages. Two notable side passages: shortly after entrance, tube on right passes windows onto pitches, then heads away from rift for ~20m before becoming too tight. Mid way along main passage, vadose side passage on right leads after ~20m to mud bank blocking 80% of passage. Could be moved easily. Passage continues beyond for at least 5m, but further unknown. Returned to surface to ditch tackle, then surveyed main passage.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    1999#00 [] ['LISTING']
    1999#02 ['notes6', 'notes2', '1999#40deviantalternative', 'notes1', 'LISTING', 'notes4'…
    1999#04 eisehohle ['notes2', 'notes1', 'LISTING', 'notes4', '1999#40elephantengang', 'notes5', 'n…
    1999#20 Calibration Inst set 2 ['calibration', '1999#calibration', 'LISTING']
Logbook trips on this date:
    40 - Go look in Eishöhle
    40 - Eishöhle
    147 - ReExplore and resurvey 147
    204 - Steinbrückenhöhle
    136 - 136