plateau - Get Bored On The Surface

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Sun 14 Jul 1996    Sun 14 Jul 1996

Matthew Hicks Sat 13 Jul 1996 Wed 17 Jul 1996
Sam Lieberman Mon 15 Jul 1996
Steve Bellhouse Thu 11 Jul 1996 Mon 15 Jul 1996
Sun 14 Jul 1996
Steve Bellhouse

Me & Matthew surveyed Vd1 -> 161d. It was boring, the clino was foggy even though it was sunny, and the tape broke & had to be fettled. But it needed doing and we did it. Sam carryed his gear and scrotted down some small holes, and also found himself a draughty dig. Silly sod.

TU 0hrs

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Survex files on this date:
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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Puerile Humour
    161 - 'Interview Blues'
    161 - Surveying in bugger
    plateau - Get Bored On The Surface
    161 - Pushing trip connected Shortage of Walls to Rich Tea via the Teapot
    161 - Pushing trip which found Dr Snuggles etc.