183 - Puffball
Thu 30 Jul 1992
Clive George
Clive George
(has no friends, sob)
Joined the ever increasing gang of solo cavers to look at crawly bit at bottom of 183. Yes, it goes, but it's shit ! Very Mendip crawly (eastwater ?) follow stream, small climbs occ. all in an angled rift (or fault ?). A bit mazy so if one way doesn't go another will. Scared after trying to descend climb head first with crap hand holds, so got out.
Then go to Puffball to retrieve bags of rope JulianS went to get, but Olly & Wooks had got before. Found this out descending 8ft & 10ft pitches at beginning of Piezo "but I'm sure there's a rope here normally". Climb out just, exit, fester a while in sun & met callout 3 hrs early coming to rescue me. scary sometimes.
Previous trip / Next trip (the final one)