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place: Puffball

Thu 16 Jul 1992    Thu 16 Jul 1992

Gill Lindsey Tue 14 Jul 1992 Mon 27 Jul 1992
Julian Haines Tue 14 Jul 1992 Sat 18 Jul 1992
Wookey Tue 14 Jul 1992 Fri 17 Jul 1992
Thu 16 Jul 1992
Gill Lindsey

Intention to get to bottom and survey out, checking leads on the way and hopefully finding they don't go. Wooks + Gill much impressed with the new Piezo route and wet route rigging, but those enormous hanging rebelays knackered Gill out. (How about a smaller loop next time?). Much spagetti junction.

Anyway Gill wimped out at Traditional Style and solo-ed out. Julian + Wooks checked out muddy crawl above the sump, which goes to another sump. Then they de-rigged last 2 pitches and brought out x'00's m rope. There is a lead off Delicate Sound of Thunder, passage on left leads to "Honeycomb" (lots of phreatic maze) water coming down a small hole; mud pools; passage to a pitch above a pool. God I hope it doesn't go.

_Geology_ : Many pitches obviously on a fault line between the grey shelly limestone (huge bivalves 6" across) and a sandy coloured rock. The grey one is the one that doesn't bolt easily. Often see offset of beds, eg. a ~horizontal dark shale bed. Some pitches along a wide fault zone, at least 2 faults 4 foot apart. Whole cave is developed along same plane - see Olly's survey rotating.

T/U 8 hours (Gill) 11 hrs (Julian & Wookey)

Took 5 hrs to get baggy bastards out and we went incredibly slowly by the end. Wooks threw up 3 times on return due to de-hydration. It was shit.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - 161
    Puffball - Brute Force + Ignorance
    Puffball - Moose Trap