Continuation of France rig + survey

1991 calendar page     full logbook     logbook report


Sun 21 Jul 1991    Mon 22 Jul 1991

Andrew Atkinson Sat 20 Jul 1991 Tue 23 Jul 1991
Fran Lane Sat 20 Jul 1991 Tue 23 Jul 1991
Henri Welbourne Sat 20 Jul 1991 Wed 24 Jul 1991
Mark Scott Sat 13 Jul 1991 Mon 22 Jul 1991
Tony Rooke Wed 17 Jul 1991 Tue 23 Jul 1991
Sun 21 Jul 1991
Mark Scott

start of this trip

Pushed France down yet another pitch with several leads on which weren't descended because we had no rope. I descended the 4th pitch to a ledge with about 20m of pitch visible below through a squeeze bit with a way off to the right & left and at the top of the pitch a rift going 2ft so heres a sketch (grade 1)

[a grade 1 elevation]

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Logbook trips on this date:
    France rig, Survey
    Continuation of France rig + survey