Surface - Team plateau explorer

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Thu 26 Jul 1990    Sat 28 Jul 1990

Francis Turner Sun 22 Jul 1990 Tue 31 Jul 1990
Matt Keeling Wed 25 Jul 1990 Mon 30 Jul 1990
Sat 28 Jul 1990
Francis Turner

Went up to Loserhutte with team Hangglider (& William driving just for added fun) set off for top camp & found a lot of people thinking about going caving. Went with them to 161 & watched while they got changed into nice warm caving gear. took some piccys. Then went off up ridge to HinterSmk

Found one vaguely promising hole, apparently a bedding plane nearly vertical. Went down c.5m could see a good 5m further down & stones thrown indicated more.

Marked Slab nearby with CUCC 90 & left a cairn. Bearings: Bräuning Nase 246° Central Peak of Dachstein 215°. The cave is on the far side of the ridge by an isolated patch of Bunde on a slab. It starts off as a (N-ish) crack in this slab. On way back found humungous hole with snow plug & then a _very_ loose drafting hole. Didn't take bearings because while I tried to chuck a rock down into it most of what I was standing on fell down it. Then came back to Base Camp.

T u/g 10-15 mins.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Surface - Team plateau explorer
    161 - LeftHand Route Expo
    161 - Dreamtime, Knossos, Yapate Foto trip
    Surface - Down 163 and other 'oles
    161 - go to see Adrian's bottom
    Tourist - Stupid Bastards on the Dachstein