Journey out - Team Cavalier

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Thu 12 Jul 1990    Fri 13 Jul 1990

Francis Turner Mon 16 Jul 1990
Mark Dougherty Mon 16 Jul 1990
Peter Swain Mon 16 Jul 1990
Fri 13 Jul 1990
Mark Dougherty

I set off at 1.30pm on Friday. Drove to Cambridge to pick up Julian's hangglider and found problem no 1 - the roof rack provided didn't fit on the Cavalier. Fortunately I found an ancient roof rack in my parents' garage which I managed to bend to fit (It was so rusty it wouldn't adjust). Proceeded to Dover picking up Francis & Pete en route. Second problem appeared sometime after Dover - the car was drinking stacks of oil. Since lifting the bonnet to fill the oil up involved taking the hangglider fastenings off we had a rather trying time. Arrived eventually at 9pm Saturday evening, absolutely knackered. God, did I enjoy the beer in Hildas.


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