near 161 - 2 year Gestiation

1990 calendar page     full logbook     logbook report

near 161

Thu 12 Jul 1990    Thu 12 Jul 1990

Jeremy Rodgers Wed 11 Jul 1990 Fri 13 Jul 1990
Matt Keeling Sat 30 Jun 1990 Fri 13 Jul 1990
Thu 12 Jul 1990
Matt Keeling

(2 years Gestation) <- cave name (matt is a tosser!)

As the name suggests this cave was discovered two years ago by Jeremy, he descended first, leaving me sweating on the surface. The first pitch ("fancy a coffee") descended past a small snow plug down to a large(ish) chamber covered with snow which appeared to be about 20ft deep. A small section to the left let a shaft of light into the cave, which changed from a a wide beam to a narrow shaft of light. A low crawl on the left (ice covered) led to the second pitch ("your place or mine") - a short 10ft (approx) drop to a ledge then a alonger (30-40ft) drop down to the floor. The second pitch was slightly wet, with small amounts of water dripping from the roof. A loose climb lead to a tight crawl and even tighter pitch (Marble Sink revisited according to Jeremy). It took J a lot of moaning & swearing to get the main bolt for the 3rd pitch hammered into place. The 3rd pitch is now named "Get your kit off" this descended into a small chamber, where the limestone changed in colour from yellow to blue, a rift then dropped into a boulder covered chamber, with a larger boulder choked to the right and a very, very small hole leading to the left, which is as yet unexplored. the 4th & probably final pitch has been named "Came too soon". As it was getting close to the call out time, we made a hasty retreat with a smallish pause as we negotiated to top of the 3rd pitch.

T/U -> 6 hrs

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Surface - Everyone not really caving
    near 161 - 2 year Gestiation
    161 - Rigging RH Route
    161 - Dreamtime
    161 - Strollers 1st cave