near 161 - 2 year Gestiation

Thu 12 Jul 1990
Matt Keeling

(2 years Gestation) <- cave name (matt is a tosser!)

As the name suggests this cave was discovered two years ago by Jeremy, he descended first, leaving me sweating on the surface. The first pitch ("fancy a coffee") descended past a small snow plug down to a large(ish) chamber covered with snow which appeared to be about 20ft deep. A small section to the left let a shaft of light into the cave, which changed from a a wide beam to a narrow shaft of light. A low crawl on the left (ice covered) led to the second pitch ("your place or mine") - a short 10ft (approx) drop to a ledge then a alonger (30-40ft) drop down to the floor. The second pitch was slightly wet, with small amounts of water dripping from the roof. A loose climb lead to a tight crawl and even tighter pitch (Marble Sink revisited according to Jeremy). It took J a lot of moaning & swearing to get the main bolt for the 3rd pitch hammered into place. The 3rd pitch is now named "Get your kit off" this descended into a small chamber, where the limestone changed in colour from yellow to blue, a rift then dropped into a boulder covered chamber, with a larger boulder choked to the right and a very, very small hole leading to the left, which is as yet unexplored. the 4th & probably final pitch has been named "Came too soon". As it was getting close to the call out time, we made a hasty retreat with a smallish pause as we negotiated to top of the 3rd pitch.

T/U -> 6 hrs

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Surface - Everyone not really caving
    near 161 - 2 year Gestiation
    161 - Rigging RH Route
    161 - Dreamtime
    161 - Strollers 1st cave