164 - Hugh"s hole

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place: 164

Sun 28 Aug 1988    Sun 28 Aug 1988

Hugh Salter Wed 24 Aug 1988 Mon 29 Aug 1988
Penny Reeves Sat 20 Aug 1988 Mon 29 Aug 1988
Sun 28 Aug 1988
Penny Reeves

Hugh & Penny

Sunday 28th August Hole 164 (Hugh's hole)

Down 2.30pm-ish. A nice hot day so the cave was draughting well (far too cold for my liking!). Some time spent looking for the only part of the cave wall solid enough to put a bolt in! Every bit of wall you touch at the head of the 2nd pitch comes away in your hand. Hugh finally put in enough bolts to reach the solid bit of the cave reasonably safely and descended an approx. 15m pitch to a ledge. From there the following is visible

[sketch elevation]

Time U/G 3 hr

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Logbook trips on this date:
    basecamp - SUNSHINE
    164 - Hugh"s hole
    surface - Team Sunbath - SURFACE SURVEY from Q1 to Q2
    163 - More idiots going caving 162, 163
    147 - Sunday 28th August - didn't get written up at the time. 147