160 - J hole

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place: 160

Mon 22 Aug 1988    Tue 23 Aug 1988

Jeremy Rodgers Mon 22 Aug 1988 Wed 24 Aug 1988
Mark Dougherty Mon 22 Aug 1988 Wed 24 Aug 1988
Tue 23 Aug 1988
Jeremy Rodgers

[Which Mark ? Assuming Doherty...]

Mark & jeremy went up the previous evening and camped on the col. Went down 'mark & Jeremy's' hole at 8 a.m. Situation resolved as follows:

[crappy sketch]

Time underground 5 Hrs.


Next trip/Discovery

_Tuesday 23rd_

Walked up, dumped gear, gave up on cooking some soup, and then gave up (totally) and went to Bad Aussee to go shopping.

_Hugh_, Penny, Chris & Sue S, Ian M

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Logbook trips on this date:
    160 - J hole
    161 - Same hole [arrow points at description for 'Mark and Jeremy's' hole]
    160 - Tuesday, 'Jared's Hole' Part 2