158 - survey and detackle
Becka Lawson
Jared (surveying), Becka (pushing)
All of us in around 2pm. Andrew and Jared as far as bottom of ladder climb below Big Bertha, then surveyed back up to surface, getting very cold. Rest of us started bolted down ledges. Many rebelays later, got to the bttom of a big chamber (or continuation of other chamber) with a boulder-choked floor. Mike had a good nose round, could find no sensible way on, though seems to continue further down, and drafts (q.strongly in places) through boulder chokes - could chuck stones down, but too tight and all v. loose. Chris & Becka descended the final small (~4m) pitch to small pool of water. Looked blind, but _thin_ rift off to right. Hammered it a bit. Becka down (without SRT gear, not too bright) then Chris down (MR jammed, so with SRT, awkward). Rift along ~3m, then Chris abseiled down to small chamber (Becka as a pained belay point !). Rift continued, xxxx width, but did an S-bend in ~3ft, so not physically possible. Also, a diddy hole off, looked like it widened later, but would need blasting - ie. a dead end. Out, getting cold and wet. Soup on way out. Tired trog back