87 - attack
Becka Lawson
Yet another attack on 87. In about 11, quite rapidly down to 2nd pitch. Keith life-lined Mike over traverse to passage to left. (over 60 ft or so drop). Mike then put bolt in, Keith and Becka crossed. Pleasant sandy crawl over some holes, eventually to biggish rift, with 30 ft climb. Mike freeclimbed (up OK, but getting back down decidedly for headcases only) then put bolt in for a ladder, for we lesser mortals. Continued up. Another thrutching scramble later, Mike and Keith both getting shoulders to stand on, Muggins had a merry time trying to get up. On, until came to a _big_ aven, ~30m up, us at the bottom. Mild expletives - would have to bolt it all to get up. Couple of small passages off, one passage right at top, from which small stream came out, but too high up. Surveyed it going back, not _too_ cold. Becka prussicked out first, and coming up first pitch as Animal, Ian and Juliette were about to start descending to see what we were up to. Left first 2 pitches tackled.