113 - surveying?

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place: 113

Wed 26 Aug 1987    Thu 27 Aug 1987

Becka Lawson Wed 26 Aug 1987 Sat 29 Aug 1987
Chris Densham Tue 25 Aug 1987 Sat 29 Aug 1987
Jared West Wed 26 Aug 1987 Sat 29 Aug 1987
Jenny Moss Tue 25 Aug 1987 Sat 29 Aug 1987
Thu 27 Aug 1987
Chris Densham

Went with intention of doing a bit of surveying (maybe) but descended next ramp after Andy's and found only way on was through to bottom of Andy's ramp. Rigged down pitch found last time then farted around swapping ropes over. Becka and Jenny descended first and then wittered about whether it would be possible to prussick up. Mike went down and went past and found a _helmet_ - see Wadder's notes - this was on an ice/rock blockage which was partially dismantled (care taken in case whole lot gave way). Descended about 15' more, view round corner to chamber (probably) but too many rub points to descend and no more hangers. On way up spotted alternative route for next time (see "survey") which will avoid remaining hanging death. Several bolts will be needed.

Mike (I'm slowly getting more crippled) M's bit !

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    113 - surveying?