142 Tuesday - see new book

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142 Tuesday

Mon 29 Jul 1985    Wed 31 Jul 1985

Gavin Andrews Sun 28 Jul 1985 Wed 31 Jul 1985
Mike Martin Sun 28 Jul 1985 Thu 01 Aug 1985
Tina White Sun 28 Jul 1985 Thu 01 Aug 1985
Tue 30 Jul 1985
Tina White

[slight hiatus ?]

Team 142

Down 142 again - this time surveying. Out with the compass and clino-thingy that you can almost read the numbers of ! Pity about my light going dim and spending most of the time on pilot light. Heard a really loud gush that sounded like a huge waterfall and ended up being a rather fast drip that had increased a bit when it rained on top. Took quite a lot of "Hero pose" piccies. A good trip ~ 8 hrs underground.

Team Mike M, Gavin, Tina.

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    142 Tuesday - see new book