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Tue 31 Jul 1984    Wed 01 Aug 1984

Andy Dolby Wed 25 Jul 1984 Mon 06 Aug 1984
Brian Derby Mon 30 Jul 1984 Sat 04 Aug 1984
Wed 01 Aug 1984
Brian Derby

While most wooftahs sat around and festered, we went caving. Though we did have a last moment attack of nerves at the entrance as a thunderstorm went over. An easy ab in to the limit so far (350m ?) took 3 hours. Put another bolt on the last pre-rigged pitch.

Way on is a tightening rift to a large jammed flake. Underneath flake is small pitch to landing (5m ?). Across landing leads to next pitch of about 25m in a large shaft. Small pitch in landing also connects with big pitch. From big pitch short trench leads to last pitch so far. 15m pitch to deep puddle. From here horizontal development begins. We followed this for about 30m before coming to a short pitch-/climb. As we had finished off our hangers, we beat our retreat. Others may have the glory. [Might have been other Andy - ed.]

Comment on rigging.

John Bower's rigs may be tricky but Planc's are suicidal. You can spot Julian's bolts as they're the ones half out of the rock.

In 1500 1st Aug, out 0600 2nd Aug

15 hours

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Logbook trips on this date:
    147 - 1st August Prospecting Steinschlagschacht to Wolfhöhle