132 or is it 142 now

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Thu 04 Aug 1983    Thu 04 Aug 1983

Gail Smith Mon 01 Aug 1983 Fri 05 Aug 1983
Philip Sargent Mon 01 Aug 1983 Fri 05 Aug 1983
Thu 04 Aug 1983
Gail Smith

>132 or is it is 136 142 now
- 5 hours

Phil & Gail also finally defestered themselves from the Bergrestaurant to discover pastures new in 132/6. The weather was Lake District disgusting and it hailed as we hacked up the bunde. After attempts to correlate the two surveys, the 2nd pitch was bolted in the dripping chamber which was, under _these_ weather conditions, filled with spray. Well, perhaps not _filled_. Anyway, while doing this, there came a minor whooshing sound at about 18-45 and it got a little wetter + I dropped a hanger + MR down the pitch. Finished bolt (at least 1.500x103 Kgf on the Brindle scale (est.)) and didn't rig it because it looked wet down there...

Instead, went out of chamber and pulled up rope out of the water (the bolt below in the chamber was not rigged) and left 1x13m and 1x15m rope there for next time, the rope on the pitch is 35m, I think. Then we clambered up Wiggy's Way (45° up and intersected the same stream higher up - excellent clamberable stream in clean, white limestone, a bit like Tatty but sharper. If this cave connects with 41 then this would be the way to get extra height. Gail did a couple of legs up the slope (whilst Philip was bolting) but gets a bit damp so return trip in dry weather. Back to main route to have a look at the Big Chamber - failed to find it AGAIN. Sketch a lot of drips and chambers, find a crawl bypass to the Bad Step (we think).

V. bad walk back in vis. down to 6-7' ! Overtaken by Demon Datsun on the Toll Rd. Left 20m rope by cairn after entrance tube + bypass.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    145 - WOLFHÖHLE Tiddley pom pitch
    Steinschlagschacht 136
    132 or is it 142 now
    144 - Tony's 2nd Hole