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Mon 01 Aug 1983    Mon 01 Aug 1983

Dave Brindle Sun 31 Jul 1983 Thu 04 Aug 1983
Pete Lancaster Sun 31 Jul 1983 Thu 04 Aug 1983
Mon 01 Aug 1983
Dave Brindle

With the air of a man selling bits of the real cross, Tony assured us this was the one. After slagging his bolting technique, it didn't take long to use 100m of Edelrid; bash in a bolt, drop down a free hanging 30m shaft, traverse to head of next pitch, bash in a bolt. Spacious shafts, textbook rigging, the draught still inwards, we were thoroughly enjoying ourselves. At about -140m, we came to a sad end - at the foot of the final shaft a very narrow joint led off, which would take quite a bit of hammering to allow even Chas through ! The draught whistled inwards, and the rift looked 10m deep, widening after a few feet. After a considerable snack, we hurried out. V. efficient trip, and an inspection of the 115/41 survey later seems to show that the end is very near, both horizontally and depthwise, to Stellerweg around the big pitch. So at least we're in the right area.

5½ hours Dave

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