132 - Exploring

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place: 132

Thu 05 Aug 1982    Thu 05 Aug 1982

Andy Dolby Fri 30 Jul 1982 Fri 06 Aug 1982
Mike Thomas Wed 04 Aug 1982 Fri 06 Aug 1982
Tim Parker Mon 02 Aug 1982 Sat 07 Aug 1982
Thu 05 Aug 1982
Tim Parker

Went to Big Chamber to descend pitch with 66m rope, water for Andy's stink found next to rescue Mars Bar. Descended big pitch via ledge 4m down, after much wittering ~35m pitch into huge chamber filled with v. loose boulders, ways on opposite pitch via loose squeeze, not pushed. Ways down under loose boulders in floor probably choked.

5 hrs

Next trip (derigging)

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Survex files on this date:
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Logbook trips on this date:
    115 - Survey Purgatory
    115 - Pushing
    132 - Exploring
    115 - Dry Bits
    113 - SONNENSTRAHLHÖHLE survey + frontier push