98 - 98

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place: 98

Sun 30 Jul 1978    Mon 31 Jul 1978

Ben Millingen Sun 30 Jul 1978 Tue 01 Aug 1978
John Bowers Sun 30 Jul 1978 Tue 01 Aug 1978
Mike Shearme Sun 30 Jul 1978 Thu 03 Aug 1978
Mon 31 Jul 1978
Mike Shearme


Ben and Mike went down first shaft and Mike started down the next to put a bolt in. Through the thrutchy bit brings you to the top of the next pitch, supposedly 60-80'. Mike was lined down a few feet to a ledge where he put a bolt in. John has meanwhile rerigged the entrance pitch and abseiled down and tossed a coin with Ben as to who should go down the next pitch first. Ben won and then John went to rig the second pitch. On the way through the thrutchy bit he dropped Mike's carbide down, making a superb noise sounding like a very deep shaft. Ben went down only to find that the bottom was the bottom of the pot.

A small aven comes in next to the shaft, leaving only muddy earth at the bottom. It does not so much choke but the rift to either side narrows and the floor is flat. The second pitch was only about 35' from the ledge. Quite a nice shaft, but coming to nothing. John went up, then Mike came down. Then we derigged and went out.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    98 - 98
    76 - the obvious Höhle