Quick Controls

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Mouse Controls in sketch window
Left mouse buttonStart sketching a path.
CONTROL left mouse buttonLock onto node at start or end of sketching a path.
SHIFT left mouse buttonEnd sketching a path.
CONTROL+SHIFT left mouse buttonStart or End sketching a path on a grid intersection.
Middle mouse button dragDynamic rotate view [disabled by default].
CONTROL middle mouse button dragDynamic scale view.
SHIFT middle mouse button dragDynamic translate view.
Right mouse muttonSelect a path.
CONTROL right mouse buttonAddtionally select a path that runs on from selected paths.
CONTROL+SHIFT right mouse buttonSelect a symbol.

Left hand panel of sketch window
Shift PictureMove sketch view according to selected 2 or 3 point path.
Shift BackgroundMove background image according to selected 2 or 3 point path.
[text line]File name of background image.
[Drop-down box]Drawing type of selected path.
[W E P C D I F] [S]Drawing type of selected path with modal button "S" for splined.
[text line]The text displayed on selected path, unless it is centreline type.
paths/ areas/ symbols/Index of selected component of sketch.
Stroke > >Change of base stroke width in all sketches.
DeselectSelect nothing.
DeleteDelete selected path or symbol.
BackDelete last node of current drawing path.
FuseWarp paths connecting to first node of selected 2 point path to second node.
Update SAreasCalculate areas from paths according to their node connections.
V Group AreaDisplay total area in which a selected symbol is inside.
V Down SketchDoes nothing.
V Down SketchUSuper-impose sketch selected in main window onto the sketch window, if compatible.

Menu bar of sketch window
File | Import CentrelineCalculate and copy in centreline paths of the survey the sketch belongs to.
File | Import SketchWarp and copy the sketch selected in main window into the sketch in the sketch window.
File | PrintPrint sketch drawing to fit paper size [successful experimental feature].
File | HPGL thickOutput plotter instructions for the walls to the command line [experimental feature].
File | HPGL thinOutput plotter instructions for the details to the command line [experimental feature].
File | CloseClose sketch window.
View | MaximizeMaximize the view of the paths.
View | CentreCentralize the view of the the paths.
View | UprightReset the rotational component of the view to zero.
View | Scale DownZoom out.
View | Scale UpZoom in.
View | RedrawRefresh sceen in standard drawing mode.
Display | [] CentrelineEnable draw centreline type paths.
Display | [] StationNamesEnable draw centreline station names.
Display | [] XSectionsDoes nothing.
Display | [] TubesDoes nothing.
Display | [] AxesDoes nothing.
Display | [] Depth ColoursDoes nothing.
Display | [] Show NodesEnable draw square boxes around path end nodes.
Display | [] Show BackgroundEnable draw background image.
Display | [] Show GridEnable draw metre grid.
Motion | [] Track LinesEnable dragged line to track black pixels in background image [successful experimental feature].
Motion | [] Tablet MouseChange mouse controls to make effective use of graphics tablet [experimental feature].
Motion | [] Enable RotateEnable dynamic rotation of view with middle mouse button drag.
Motion | [] Shear WarpChange warping function used by the "Fuse" function.
Action | Detail RenderRedraw screen without colours, without improper symbols, and with correctly drawn pitch boundaries.
Action | Update SAreasCalculate areas from paths according to their node connections [same as "Update SAreas" button].
Action | Update Symbols LayCalculate group areas in which the symbols belong, and fit random symbols correctly.
Action | DeselectSelect nothing [same as "Deselect" button].
Action | DeleteDelete selected path or symbol [same as "Delete" button].
Action | FuseWarp paths connecting to first node of selected 2 point path to second node [same as "Fuse" button].
Action | BackDelete last node of current drawing path [same as "Back" button].
Action | ReflectReverse orientation of selected path.
Action | Set As AxisSet selected path as axis of symbol that is being sketched [the sketches under "gsymbols"].
Action | Delete All SymbolsDelete all symbols in current sketch.

Menu bar of main window
File | NewErase all.
File | Open XML dir ...Select and recursively open directories containing Tunnel XML files.
File | Open XML svx ...Select and open a Survex compatible ".svx" file.
File | RefreshRefresh view of tree and file list components of the window.
File | Set XML dir ...Select and recursively set full file paths for the currently loaded Tunnel data.
File | Save XMLDIRSave all changed files (ones proceded by an asterisk) to their full paths.
File | ExitClose everything.
Tunnel | WireframeActivate the wireframe view of currently selected survey (in tree view).
Tunnel | View SketchActivate the sketch window of currently selected sketch.
Tunnel | New Empty SketchBuild and activate a new sketch in currently selected survey.
View | Cave BelowActivate the wireframe view of currently selected survey and those it contains.
View | Whole CaveActivate the wireframe view of the whole cave.


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