Other communal gear

Account short name: comm-gear-other
Number of transactions: 24

Negative amounts indicate that Other communal gear is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2008-05-22Kathryn Hopkins -35.98Three phones for expo
2008-05-22Kathryn Hopkins -2.78Car charger for expo phones
2008-06-03Aaron Curtis -12.99Laminator
2008-06-17Frank Tully -46.00Battery for top camp
2008-06-23Grants Pool 532.09Other communal gear
2008-07-11Tony Rooke -49.962*storage chests
2008-07-17Edvin Deadman -10.48Banana plugs
2008-07-21Djuke Veldhuis -9.78 (-11.99 Euros)Grill for cooking platform
2008-07-21Martin Jahnke -16.32 (-20.00 Euros)mobile phone top up
2008-07-22Kathryn Hopkins -39.06 (-47.87 Euros)Boxes + taps + tape
2008-07-22Kathryn Hopkins -9.79 (-12.00 Euros)Part payment for cooking grill for top camp
2008-07-24Frank Tully -4.15Electronics for solar charger from RS
2008-07-28Natalie Uomini -0.65 (-0.80 Euros)Part payment for cables for top camp
2008-07-28Olly Madge -29.53 (-36.20 Euros)Wire etc for stone bridge
2008-08-01Djuke Veldhuis -0.81 (-1.00 Euros)colander
2008-08-01Olly Madge -14.60 (-17.90 Euros)USB hub
2008-08-11Natalie Uomini -6.12 (-7.50 Euros)Wooden cutlery
2008-08-19Edvin Deadman -22.55tablet pc postage
2008-08-19Serena Povia -25.94Extra battery for video camera
2008-08-19Serena Povia -15.00tapes for video camera
2008-08-19Serena Povia -107.85helmet camera
2008-08-19Serena Povia -11.484GB card for helmet mounted camera
2008-08-19Serena Povia -52.27toner for laser printer
2008-09-15Martin Green -8.00First aid kit replacement items
Grand total:0.00

Go back to summary sheet.

Processed at 10:42 on 2008-09-26.