Previous QM QM   264-2015-2C-bipeda3 Next QM
Pete also looked here and found two possible ways on, both with very good drafts. The first is a climb down into base of rift on left, and then poke head through gap to see ongoing rift. Bit your head pokes through just needs hammer to knock off nobbles to allow way through.

This QM is OPEN

Comment: 'None'

QM Number: 2 Grade: C

Explanation of Grade letters: Handbook - QM grades


2015-08-01 bipedalpassage3.svx

QM original closest survey station

Survex block: bipeda3
QM Nearest station: 'bipedalpassage3.1'

QM original description

Pete also looked here and found two possible ways on, both with very good drafts. The first is a climb down into base of rift on left, and then poke head through gap to see ongoing rift. Bit your head pokes through just needs hammer to knock off nobbles to allow way through.

Cave: 1623-264

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