Surveys for Eislufthöhle - id:1623-76

Cave description: 1623/76/76.html

Wallets: 1623-76


If you can see a filename here: [ caves-1623/76/76.svx  ] which does not match any in the list below including the directories beginning with caves-162X/ not just the filename, then (if logged on) you can click here 1623-76_cave_edit to go to a form to correct the online data. Instructions for filling in this form are in this part of the survey handbook.


Survex fileBlockDateExplorerslengthTitlesScans
76 0.0 (())
entrance Sat 17 Jul 2004 Olly Betts Jenny Black 26.8 Entrance Series 2004#01
bitter Sun 18 Jul 2004 Olly Betts Jenny Black 22.9 draught bitter 2004#03
bent Sun 18 Jul 2004 Olly Betts Jenny Black 24.1 76b entrance 2004#04
brave Mon 19 Jul 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 133.2 brave new world 2004#05
lovers Thu 22 Jul 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 27.7 Lovers' leap 2004#07
saved Sat 24 Jul 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 107.0 Saved Shaft 2004#17
brave2 Sun 25 Jul 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 127.0 Brave New World 2 2004#18
brave3 Mon 26 Jul 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 38.4 Brave New World 3 2004#19
brave4 Mon 26 Jul 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 51.4 Brave New World 4 2004#20
brave5 Mon 26 Jul 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 18.4 Brave New World 5 2004#21
brave6 Tue 27 Jul 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 12.7 Brave New World 6 2004#22
brave7 Tue 27 Jul 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 27.8 Brave New World 7 2004#23
brave8 Tue 27 Jul 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 45.6 Brave New World 8 2004#24
keg Fri 30 Jul 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 124.5 Keg Series 2004#37
tap Sun 01 Aug 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 68.0 To the Tap Room 2004#38
Jenny Black Olly Betts 12.2 (To the Tap Room)
rift Tue 03 Aug 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 84.5 Brave New World Rift
riftconn Wed 27 Jul 2005 Jenny Black Dave Loeffler 8.5 Brave New World Rift Connection
noways Tue 03 Aug 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 122.6 No Ways Chamber
pitch Wed 04 Aug 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 92.4 Brave New World Pitch
boiling Tue 03 Aug 2004 Jenny Black Olly Betts 76.5 Boiling Tubes
99 Sun 24 Jul 2005 Jenny Black Olly Betts 14.9 99 2005#06
99pt2 Wed 27 Jul 2005 Jenny Black Olly Betts 43.0 99 part 2 2005#06
99conn Wed 10 Aug 2005 Jenny Black Olly Betts 1.6 ((())) 2005#06
tap2 Wed 27 Jul 2005 Jenny Black Dave Loeffler 73.1 From the Tap Room 2005#08
razoradvance Wed 27 Jul 2005 Jenny Black Dave Loeffler 16.9 Razor Advance 2005#08
taprift Sun 31 Jul 2005 Jenny Black Dave Loeffler 52.9 From the Tap Room: 70's Route 2005#13
pleasant Fri 05 Aug 2005 Jenny Black Olly Betts 67.9 Pleasant but pointless 2005#31
noname Fri 05 Aug 2005 Jenny Black Olly Betts 14.8 ? 2005#31
batman Sun 07 Aug 2005 Jenny Black Olly Betts 28.9 Batman Traverse 2005#32
pancake Sun 07 Aug 2005 Jenny Black Olly Betts 59.7 Pancake Chips 2005#33
loopy Wed 10 Aug 2005 Jenny Black Olly Betts 149.3 Going Loopy
spent Fri 12 Aug 2005 Jenny Black Olly Betts 62.9 Spent Ledge
strange Sun 30 Jul 2006 Jenny Black Olly Betts 87.9 Strangeways 2006#13
stranger Sat 29 Jul 2006 Jenny Black Olly Betts 41.5 Strangeways Connection 2006#14
waste Thu 10 Aug 2006 Jenny Black Olly Betts 47.7 Waste of Time 2006#30
hotgkpitch Wed 16 Aug 2006 Jenny Black Olly Betts 84.4 Pitch into Hall of the Greene King 2006#34
hotgk Sun 13 Aug 2006 Jenny Black Olly Betts 124.3 Hall of the Greene King 2006#32
fiesta Wed 16 Aug 2006 Jenny Black Olly Betts 179.2 Fiesta Run 2006#35
holes Tue 24 Jul 2007 Jenny Black Olly Betts 62.2 The Sea of Holes 2007#33
boil2 Fri 03 Aug 2007 Jenny Black Olly Betts 8.1 Boiling Tubes II 2007#95
boil3 Fri 03 Aug 2007 Jenny Black Olly Betts 11.6 Boiling Tubes III 2007#95
choss Fri 03 Aug 2007 Jenny Black Olly Betts 18.1 Chossy Bit 2007#95
brave9 Fri 03 Aug 2007 Jenny Black Olly Betts 27.9 BNW IX 2007#94
electric_upper Mon 11 Jul 2016 Jenny Olly 50.8 ((())) 2016#00
electric_lower Mon 11 Jul 2016 Jenny Olly 93.2 ((())) 2016#00
atomic Thu 07 Jul 2016 Jenny Olly 11.6 ((())) 2016#56