Christian Kuhlmann : 2023

294.4 m surveyed this year.

Other years:  | 2023 | 2024

Status of all wallets for Christian Kuhlmann

Table of all trips and surveys aligned by date

July 3, 2023 Balkon - Rescuing Balcony ropes Balkon
July 4, 2023 Surface - Rope carry to Homecoming + Trial walk from Garlic Cave to Car Park on painted track Surface
July 6, 2023 Homecoming - Rig faff Homecoming
July 7, 2023 Homecoming - Foray into the Second Coming Homecoming
July 10, 2023 festering - Canyoning Strubklamm festering
July 14, 2023 Basecamp - Floating down the river to Bad Aussee Basecamp
July 15, 2023 Homecoming - In Search Of Salamanders Homecoming salamander_queen 294.4 m
Aug. 3, 2023 Homecoming - Homecoming - second coming shitshow Homecoming