plateau - Damp day prospecting W of Northern extent of Balkonhoehle

Sun 28 Jul 2024
Becka Lawson

The weather conspired against us, drizzly and low cloud, so Tom and I hung around Top Camp hoping it would cheer up before finally heading out after lunch. We used the good route to the stone arch that Jono and I walked to the previous day, ie up to the Tunnocks col then turn left and keep to the left side of the valley to avoid the Bunde to drop down low enough to skirt around the bottom of the Bunde then turn right and go up on easy, open pavement to the col with a ski pole just beyond and left of the stone arch.

We logged three entrances, all with pitches. We had no gear so couldn't descend any of them:

1 A 1.5m high x 2m wide triangular, horizontal entrance went for 5m to a daylight hole above and a 4m pitch down. The pitch would be easy to descent with a rope. GPS - 33T 411477 5283183. Photo - Becka

2 A 5m x 2m shaft drops around 10m. GPS - 33N 411256 5283373. Photo - Becka

3 An 8m x 3m shaft drops around 8m with a possible passage off from the bottom. GPS - 33N 411252 5283485. Photo - Becka

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Logbook trips on this date:
    plateau - Damp day prospecting W of Northern extent of Balkonhoehle
    basecamp - minesweeper
    basecamp - Minesweeper 2
    garlic - bad day
    Garlic - Failed prospecting
    balcony - 26th-28th bloody balcony
    Balkonhoehle - Who needs ascenders anyway?
    Garlic - Landscaping and Festering