basecamp - Expo Dinner

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Fri 26 Jul 2024    Sat 27 Jul 2024

Bier Tent Sat 20 Jul 2024 Sun 04 Aug 2024
Fri 26 Jul 2024
Bier Tent

It seems best that an article about expo dinner should be written during the expo dinner celebrations itself and so I task myself with the task of doing such a job. Yes I jacob chuck choose to take time out nof the celebrations to write this article(many of people have gone to bed I will igrnore that aside from : sorry i hope you can sleep wel;l my heartfelt condolences go out to you)

well what to say. A very eventful night. Expo leaded read a speech, Expo leader got thrown in the river, What else copuld have happened????

We're now sat in the tatty hut listening to the rolling stones.

-broken bottles cut hands
-dont drink too much
-drink water.... that reminds me
-dont drink too much

well as I speak big tom himself has given up he has collapsed on the floor, absolute scenes, he had to be lifted up be Chi

he is back on the floor. Isaac begins to fight him. "ill break your knee caps" says big TOm "its comfy" he adds. isaac gives up and returns to his seat.

now. Bon Jovi begins to play. May I(bier tent) add that this song fucking sucks. Ok well big Tom is up and dancing with Isaac(I know the development). 'we gotta hold on to what we got'

the music cuts.

the music continues.

Isaac and big tom are fighting.

now they are sat down... very civil.

the river is being discussed.

pink floyd came on for about 1.5 seconds. philip S was happy about that.

ok about time that I (bier tent) joined in with this great party(went to sleep).

Just a reminder:expo is over, we found all the cave.
Expo is now more of a holiday really, just going down all these already discovered leads...


bier tent out! o7

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Logbook trips on this date:
    basecamp - Bread making part 2
    Plateau - Return to Garlic Camp
    Eishoehle - Cooling off on a hot day
    basecamp - Expo Dinner