Surface - Looking for entrances from the Oberwasseralm path

Mon 15 Jul 2024

I cycled up to the far end of Altaussee lake and walked up the path towards Hochklapfsattel (towards Wildensee) to have a good look at the side of the Loser massif below the Stoger Weg. [I am still looking for the entrance making the Howling Draft in the Futility Series in 115, which is 60m from the surface.]

The cycle path along the south side of the lake is now stopped after half way, and bicycles have to trog up the hill and go along the track, which is

  • A worse surface
  • in the full sun, not in the nice shade
  • A totally unnecessary extra 80m of ascent which I really did not like
They really don't like cyclists I feel.

Anyway I parked the bike at the "No Cycling" notice at the bottom of the track up (where going left would go to Stummern Alm) and walked up 3km (+400m) to Oberwasseralm.

It is mostrously dramatic: not only are you right underneath the Trisselwand but the Loser massif (Vor.SMK) Weisse Wand is huge and very steep.

I did spot, I think, the steep grassy field with an entrance at the top end which Chas and Planc found in 1983 and which I revisited in 2017.

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    Surface - Looking for entrances from the Oberwasseralm path