Balkonhöhle - Balkonhöhle

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place: Balkonhöhle

Tue 02 Aug 2022    Wed 03 Aug 2022

Aaron Clair Wed 03 Aug 2022
Frank Tully Mon 01 Aug 2022 Wed 03 Aug 2022
Paul Fox Sun 31 Jul 2022
Tue 02 Aug 2022
Frank Tully

Rigged down the pitch which links ‘Let’s be appalling’ to ‘Can’t stop now its bat country’. Surveyed the passage up dip from the bottom of the pitch, howling draught coming towards us, the passage ends in a clean washed chamber, possible continuation of the passage in the North East. There is a QMA lead from ‘Let’s be appalling’ above. I need to confirm that all the draught is coming down the shaft, or that the continuation of the lower passage is where the draught is coming from. Needs looking at.

Followed the lower passage down dip to where the survey ended, ducked under the left wall and found a continuation of the passage. Surveyed this. This ends in a pitch into a small chamber with rifts exiting below, and a continuation of the passage across the pitch this appears to go into a larger space. Down appears to be 15m from the floor. Across is 5m or so. Need a drill and a rope. Continued down to below the ‘can’t stop now its bat country’ pitch which is not on the survey. Scan for rigging guide!!!!

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
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