Surface Prospecting Trip in area sound of Fishface

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Mon 01 Aug 2022    Mon 01 Aug 2022

Hannah Collings Sun 31 Jul 2022 Tue 02 Aug 2022
Harry Kettle Sun 31 Jul 2022 Tue 02 Aug 2022
Mon 01 Aug 2022
Hannah Collings

HH-01 47.69165 degrees N, 13.81549 degrees E Just off top camp-fish face path. Snow plug, no draft.

HH-02 47.69165 degrees N, 13.81517 degrees E Next to HH-01, just off top camp-fish face path. Snow plug, draft. Accessible with rope at far end, down side of snow plug.

HH-03 47.69080 degrees N, 13.81234 degrees E Approx. 1.5m hole in ground, narrow. Drops ~10m to floor, needs rope to access.

HH-04 47.69062 degrees N, 13.81182 degrees E Rift approx. 6m deep, free climable. Rift goes ~5/10m before crapping out with boulders. Small draft.

HH-05 47.69025 degrees N, 13.81180 degrees E Big hole with snow plug and no draft - suspect goes nowhere.

HH-06 47.69017 degrees N, 13.81158 degrees E Large open pit approx. 25m deep - needs rope to drop., Unsure about draft.

HH-07 47.68906 degrees N, 13.81090 degrees E Very large entrance, sloping down. Two passages off entrance chamber choking up within a few meters - no way on. Found a gemser skull and ice column.

HH-08 47.68906 degrees N, 13.80940 degrees E Large rifty hole approx 20m deep. Requires rope to inspect.

HH-09 47.68859 degrees N, 13.80918 degrees E Large hole with stone bridges over and big snow plug, approx 20m. Needs rope to inspect.

HH-10 47.68797 degrees N, 13.80954 degrees E Deep rift approx. 20-30m deep. Needs rope to inspect. ~5 away from 1623.p98

HH-11 47.68665 degrees N, 13.81102 degrees E Approx. 10m shaft with possible but unlikely way on at bottom. Needs rope to inspect.

HH-12 47.68620 degrees N, 13.81185 degrees E Large hole, craps out.

Of those found, the ones potentially worth revisiting with rope to inspect: HH-02, HH-03, HH-06, HH-08, HH-09, HH-10

Photos of entrances uploaded to expo website.

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    Surface Prospecting Trip in area sound of Fishface