Tunnocks - Gravity always wins, then blind and broken

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place: Tunnocks

Tue 05 Aug 2008    Wed 06 Aug 2008

Becka Mon 04 Aug 2008 Wed 06 Aug 2008
Steve Mon 04 Aug 2008 Wed 06 Aug 2008
Tue 05 Aug 2008

Dropped 'Gravity always wins' - p20 off 3 spits; then short traverse line to Ollie's rig which gave a perfect free hang down to floor - stunning pitch to rubble floor choke ~p40, de-rigged as no QMs at bottom.

Went across Ollie's bonkers traverse (called delicious leak) to the 'chamber'. Ollie's 'chamber' was 3 holes each give ~ 40m drop. Rigged pitch in 'rift' - perfect Y hang drops 36m to boulder ledge down another beautiful shaft. 1 spit rebelay off left hand side (looking out) to 8m hang to floor. Rift heads off - tight but booms - QMC.

Up boulder slope leads to p10 with hole in floor that went 'boom'. Out of rope so put some bolts in (2 on right wall high above p10, 2 for Y hang under dribble ~2m down) and headed off out. V close to callout - oops.

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    Tunnocks - crossword passage
    Tunnocks - Gravity always wins, then blind and broken