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Mon 29 Jul 1985    Mon 29 Jul 1985

Stefan Kukula Sun 28 Jul 1985 Thu 01 Aug 1985
Mon 29 Jul 1985
Stefan Kukula


Brian, Stef, Mark went off to carry on "pushing" 150. Stef got bored waiting while Brian was digging and wandered off - he found a hole but after coming back most pleased he couldn't find it but found a draughting hole, (151 ?) and another. 151 (with a light) was a chamber (30 ft high, 10 ft square) with a draughting tight rift going out. Definitely worth a squeeze in kit.

Mark's bored wandering found a couple of holes that proved choked, a big 50 ft pitch with snow at the bottom (probably choked) and a 30 ft shaft that I swore draughted up - worth another trip.

The area (above the 150 marker, about the same distance beyond '88' as Windloch to '88' along Stogerweg) is well covered with many ravines/rifts about 100m up from path (distance along ground). Very promising, dozens of holes, some MUST go.

150 was cleared by Brian after 1½ hrs digging. The rift beyond was too small to follow. F--K.

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