Communal caving gear

Account short name: comm-gear-caving
Number of transactions: 10

Negative amounts indicate that Communal caving gear is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2008-06-23Grants Pool 1655.63Money from grant for communal caving gear
2008-06-26Edvin Deadman -126.48Anchors, setting tool, hammer from Hilti
2008-07-09Kathryn Hopkins -16.20Nail varnish
2008-07-10Wookey -50.00Chargers for drills
2008-07-10Wookey -150.00Disto
2008-07-16Phil Underwood -500.002*Pony
2008-07-16Serena Povia -27.81bolts,hammmers, eclips from Mackays
2008-07-18Frank Tully -40.00fibreglass and resin for drill batteries
2008-07-27Natalie Uomini -62.42 (-76.50 Euros)AS hangers and dyneema
2008-09-26Inglesport order -682.72682.72/2509.29 of the total from Inglesport order (-2509.29)
Grand total:0.00

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Processed at 10:42 on 2008-09-26.